Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Calm The Chaos: A Price Matching Tip

Wal-mart Price Match Guarantee

I absolutely love to price match at Wal-Mart.  Why? Well, it's simple, they carry almost everything I need and I can't always justify running around to 3 different stores burning gas (and money) when I know I can just get it all in one place with some proper planning.

What's even nicer is WM no longer requires you to have the competitors ad in hand like they used to.  HOWEVER, I always try to keep it with me just in case.  I have been pretty lucky myself having not had any issues to speak of while price matching at Wal-Mart (knock wood).  Perhaps the way I go about it has something to do with that...I like to think so.  This is how I go about price matching.  Please keep in mind, what works for me, may or may not work for you.

  • ALWAYS let the cashier know AHEAD of time you will be price matching.  If you wait till the end, it might be a fiasco.  It might even be too late.
  • Try to keep the items you are price matching together.  This is hard for me sometimes because I am somewhat OCD when it comes to how I put things on the conveyor belt.  I like cold with cold, bread with bread, meat with meat, etc.  The tip I am about to share came to be because of this by the way.
  • I do price matching before my coupons. I need total concentration while they scan them.  I don't want to be preoccupied with making sure I didn't miss something.
  • Okay, here is my tip.  I can't say it is an original idea as I did come across it some time ago online somewhere while looking up coupon organization tips.  What I do is:  At home, while putting my plan of action together, I write on a sticky note (the small ones are great for this!)  and without pulling it off the tablet,  the amount of the price match with the store name or abbreviation of the store name and any restrictions there may be (i.e., limit 2, 12 oz or larger size, etc.)
  • As I go through the store with my list in hand (which has items marked with a "PM" for price match notated next to it if applicable), I put the item in my cart, check it off my list and slap the sticky note that applies right on the item.
          Sure, I have gotten some funny looks from people BUT who cares.  Not I says the couponer.

   Most cashier's will usually appreciate this.  In my experience, it makes things SO much easier               for  them.  It's price matching "at a glance".  No fumbling through 5 different ads, no scouring over shopping lists.  No trying to decipher notes written in a rush while running out the door.
 But best of all....

            No Chaos.

            Works for me, I hope it works for you!!!

             Please...let me know how it goes OR if you have a tip to share by commenting here OR sending me an e-mail!

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