Okay...so one of the first steps in becoming a "couponer" is to learn the lingo. Something I refer to as "couponese" In order to survive all of the blogs you encounter (including mine) and other savings websites, you will NEED to know these terms first and foremost! Otherwise it will be like going out in a rain storm with no umbrella...you'll get soaked and aggrivated real quick! Don't be scared or overwhelmed...they really are very, very simple to master...Okay here we go:
B1G1F = Buy One Get One Free (We LOVE these!) Even more so when it's a B1G2F!
Blinkie = Simply put it's a little machine next to a product that spits out a coupon. Kind of like the old "take a number" machines! You know the ones - or perhaps I just aged myself. Hmm...okay moving on...
BOGO = Also stands for Buy One Get One FREE (or half off or whatever the deal is at the time)
CAT = Catalina. A coupon that prints out at the register (seperate from your receipt) that is either money off your next purchase or money or a percentage off a certain product. (Walgreens is known for these deals)
Couponing Policy – Exactly what it sounds like. These are put in place by each store stating how they handle coupons. What they accept, what they don't. If they double, if they don't and if you are one of the lucky few, whether or not they triple. Becoming familiar with each of your store's coupon policy is a MUST in order to cut down on your frustration as more often than not, cashier's are not up to par on them themselves. Note: some stores change their policies fairly often so this part is imperative to your success as a couponer. I highly recommend reading AND printing your favorite store's policy and carrying it with you...just in case.
Coupon Inserts - These are the
CRT = Fancy abbreviation for...your receipt. Cash Register Tape.
Double Coupons = This is a couponer's delight. It simply means that your store will double the coupon value in hand up to a certain amount. For example: If they double UP TO $1.00 that means that a .50 coupon becomes $1.00. A .75 cent coupon also becomes $1.00. Be sure to inquire on limits though. Some stores may only allow say, 3 like coupons to be doubled or they may have a 20 double coupon max. Finally, be sure to take note if any of your coupons state on them "Do Not Double" - cause well, nothing you can do there.
ECB = The are what CVS is so famous for! We LOVE LOVE LOVE them! They are earned with certain purchases and are like CASH on your next order!
EXP = Expiration Date
FAR = Free After Rebate
FARR = Free After Register Rewards
IP (Printable) = Internet Printable Coupon.
IVC = Instant Value Coupon.
MFR = Manufacturer
MIR = Mail In Rebate.
OOP = Out-of-Pocket. This is the amount of money you will spend after all coupons, ECB's, CATS, etc.
OOS = Out-of-Stock (Try to get a rain-check in this case)
Peelie = These are coupons found ON the products in the store. Be sure to peel off immediately so you don't forget...been there, done that, more than once. Very frustrating.
Q = Coupon
Raincheck = You can request one of these when a product is OOS (out of stock, remember?). These are especially nice because the store will still honor whatever sale was going on at the time you received the raincheck. Sweet!
Register Rewards (RR) = Offered by Walgreens. These are like cash on your next order for buying specific products.
Stacking Coupons = This is also music to a couponers ears and something Target is known for. It means you can use a store coupon (for example: a Target printable) WITH a manufacturers coupon. Often times this results in double the savings!
Triple Coupons = This is similar to double coupons but soooo much sweeter! However, it is my understanding it is rare and when it does occur there are usually limits set in place (dollar amounts, # of transactions per customer, etc.)
WAGS = Walgreens
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary. Meaning one store may accept one thing while another by the same name, may not.
WYB = When You Buy
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